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What actually matters is the transfer of truth and knowledge. The more our society is aware of its problems, the better off our country will be.
Alexandre Soares dos Santos, February 2019  

Teresa and Alexandre Soares dos Santos have invested personal and family funds to create Iniciativa Educação, which was born from their belief that education is key to the progress of young people and the success of the country. 

The first meetings that led to the creation of the Iniciativa Educação were held in 2018, when Teresa and Alexandre Soares dos Santos set up a Directive Board, formed by Nuno Crato, who was invited preside it, and by Inês Soares dos Santos Canas and Sara Miranda. 

The goal of Iniciativa Educação is to help ensure young people achieve educational success, by supporting exemplary projects that have the potential to be replicated in both the educational system and in society at large. Our promoters approved the beginning of the activities with three projects that aim to promote reading and literacy, enhance professional training, and disseminate knowledge and information about education.

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