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Information about education provided online, with recent results of scientific research and useful information for teachers, parents, students and the general public. Contributing to an informed debate.

Want Students to Be Good Speakers? Teach Them to Write
Opinion 12.12.2024

Want Students to Be Good Speakers? Teach Them to Write

A push for "oracy" in England points up connections between writing and oral language

Thinking is Hard
Opinion 22.11.2024

Thinking is Hard

Thinking is hard. As someone whose career is more or less based on thinking thoughts, and communicating those thoughts effectively, I have a love-hate relationship with thinking.

Cold Calling and Classroom Discussions
Latest Science 07.06.2024

Cold Calling and Classroom Discussions

Inserting questions into a lecture, and encouraging students to covertly retrieve through cold calling, ought to improve learning from a lesson. If time does not permit writing out the answers (one form of overt retrieval), or doing so would disrupt the flow of a discussion, then students should still benefit from bringing the information to mind if they are encouraged to do so fully through cold calling.

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 5
Latest Science 03.05.2024

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 5

Research-validated practices have been shown to be effective for student mathematics outcomes across multiple studies. In this five-part series, we explain the practice, the research that supports the practice, and what this practice might look like in the classroom.

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 4
Latest Science 26.04.2024

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 4

Research-validated practices have been shown to be effective for student mathematics outcomes across multiple studies. In this five-part series, we explain the practice, the research that supports the practice, and what this practice might look like in the classroom.

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 3
Latest Science 19.04.2024

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 3

Research-validated practices have been shown to be effective for student mathematics outcomes across multiple studies. In this five-part series, we explain the practice, the research that supports the practice, and what this practice might look like in the classroom.

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 2
Latest Science 12.04.2024

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 2

Research-validated practices have been shown to be effective for student mathematics outcomes across multiple studies. In this five-part series, we explain the practice, the research that supports the practice, and what this practice might look like in the classroom.

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 1
Latest Science 05.04.2024

Math Practices You Can Count On: Part 1

Research-validated practices have been shown to be effective for student mathematics outcomes across multiple studies. In this five-part series, we explain the practice, the research that supports the practice, and what this practice might look like in the classroom.

Do two weeks of instruction time matter?
Opinion 21.03.2024 Reading time: 4 min

Do two weeks of instruction time matter?

In Madrid, public schools cut two weeks from their school year without altering the syllabus. We examined student test scores before and after this change and compared them with private schools, which didn't experience this shift.

Dramatic new evidence that building knowledge can boost comprehension and close gaps
Opinion 22.06.2023 Reading time: 6 min

Dramatic new evidence that building knowledge can boost comprehension and close gaps

Building students’ general knowledge can lead to dramatic long-term improvements in reading comprehension, a new study suggests—casting serious doubt on standard teaching approaches.

The gift of gifted children
Opinion 24.05.2023 Reading time: 6 min

The gift of gifted children

When discussing education systems, the focus is usually on low-performing students. Often the reasons for a low performance are linked to the students’ disadvantaged socioeconomical or immigrant background: youngsters who struggle with their shortcomings, their motivation to learn and even to be at school. The other end of the spectrum is discussed less frequently.

Educational videos: do they work?
Latest Science 10.04.2023 Reading time: 3 min

Educational videos: do they work?

Educational videos proliferate on the Internet, but they might not be good pedagogical tools. A very recent study indicates that, in mathematics, educational videos only provide superficial learning. However, combining videos with effective learning strategies, such as retrieval practice, might increase the instructional value of the videos.


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