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Verbal mathematics problems: from texts to solutions

Verbal mathematics problems: from texts to solutions

We daily encounter problems of a mathematical nature and with their solutions implying the interrelating of data to obtain the correct responses. This is also the case with those problems labelled verbal narratives. However, what capacities are most crucial to resolving this type of problem?

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What kind of reading difficulties will Covid babies face?

What kind of reading difficulties will Covid babies face?

The pandemic had a negative impact on students' educational outcomes all over the world. However, recent cases show that our concerns should also extend to babies and younger children of the COVID-19 era. Read Natalie Wexler's article here.

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Differentiate differently?

Differentiate differently?

Differentiation is a pedagogical approach that considers student heterogeneity in the classroom. Most of the literature on differentiated teaching proposes a constructivist or socio-constructivist perspective. However, there is a different, more research-based approach to differentiation, namely the Response to Intervention (RtI) model.

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Science at the service of education

Public debates on education tend to lack sufficient scientific evidence. The opinions expressed and the proposed educational reforms often ignore the state of the art of research on fields that should be directly informing this debate. This reality motivated the creation of a public information project to actively combat the lack of science-based and objective information on education: the ED_ON.

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