Information about education provided online, with recent results of scientific research and useful information for teachers, parents, students and the general public. Contributing to an informed debate.

To Boost Learning, Weave Writing Activities Into Regular Instruction
Weaving explicit writing instruction into class discussion can maximize the benefits of any content-rich curriculum—and help students become proficient writers.

Want Students to Be Good Speakers? Teach Them to Write
A push for "oracy" in England points up connections between writing and oral language

Dramatic new evidence that building knowledge can boost comprehension and close gaps
Building students’ general knowledge can lead to dramatic long-term improvements in reading comprehension, a new study suggests—casting serious doubt on standard teaching approaches.

Shower some love on the sentence
When students can’t understand what they’re reading, it may be because they’re unfamiliar with the complex syntax of written sentences. Teaching them how to write complex sentences about what they’re learning can help.

When language prevents kids from succeeding at math
Students who don’t read well or lack crucial vocabulary often face unnecessary obstacles — not just in reading but also in math. Why is that?

Five ways our intuition can mislead us about learning
Our perceptions about what’s working in the learning process often conflict with scientific findings. That can make it harder for teachers and students to be successful.

What are the future reading challenges for Covid-era babies?
We know the pandemic has had a serious negative impact on the academic achievement of school-age children. But recent evidence shows we also need to worry about Covid-era babies and toddlers.

Want Kids To Learn History? Ask These 4 Questions
History teachers generally get inadequate training and materials, and students often don’t learn much. Several initiatives are trying to address the problem, but only one—the Four Question Method—provides teachers with the framework they need.