Information about education provided online, with recent results of scientific research and useful information for teachers, parents, students and the general public. Contributing to an informed debate.

A novice is not a little expert
There are many who think that children are just tiny humans, identical in all but size to an adult. As odd as this may sound in 2020, these are the same people that think that the cognitive/ intellectual development of a child (and by extension, a novice) into an adult (and by extension, into an expert) is just a matter of growth. But is it really? Do novices and experts think and learn in the same way?

The drill of how to chill for learning
You’ve just spent some time learning something challenging or studying for an exam. Now you’re done and ready to chill. But how? What’s your chill drill?

Tips for effective teaching if you have to teach at a distance
Because of the Corona pandemic, we’re all going through a period that none of us have ever experienced. With respect to teaching and learning, kids can’t attend school and we must help them learn at home. And this might last weeks or months. Fortunately, online education offers a solution, but the instructional techniques involved are not (completely) the same as what we do in the classroom during face-to-face education.

Learning through play is more than play
Let children play! Let them figure out and discover stuff themselves! Let them create things! Let them set their own goals and come up with their own ideas! That’s how they learn: naturally!

Double-Barrelled Learning for Young & Old
When accompanying text with images, a learner learns better. However, this only works when they are combined properly!

Myth Warning! Children Aren’t Digital Natives and Can’t Multitask
Many people inside and outside of education think that today’s children are multitasking digital natives with special cognitive skills and abilities that allow them learn differently than previous generations. Spoiler alert: Both are myths.