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Let children play! Let them figure out and discover stuff themselves! Let them create things! Let them set their own goals and come up with their own ideas! That’s how they learn: naturally!

It sounds wonderful. Who would be against it? Really, no one could or would. Who can argue with these romantic, bordering on philosophical ideas about how young children learn best? You should because there’s a catch, namely that there’s no scientific evidence to support these ideas.

See full article in 3-Star Learning Experiences.



Paul A. Kirschner, dr.h.c. is Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology at the Open University of the Netherlands and Guest Professor at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Mechelen, Belgium. He holds an honorary doctorate at Oulu University (Finland) and is Research Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, the International Society for the Learning Sciences. and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. He is a former member of the Dutch Educational Council.

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