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Information about education provided online, with recent results of scientific research and useful information for teachers, parents, students and the general public. Contributing to an informed debate.

Academic success is also the result of a good night's sleep
Latest Science 17.03.2023 Reading time: 3 min

Academic success is also the result of a good night's sleep

The quality of sleep remains generally underestimated, particularly with regard to academic performance. Two recently published studies have proven that good-quality sleep can contribute to academic success.

Verbal mathematics problems: from texts to solutions
Latest Science 28.09.2021 Reading time: 2 min

Verbal mathematics problems: from texts to solutions

We daily encounter problems of a mathematical nature and with their solutions implying the interrelating of data to obtain the correct responses. This is also the case with those problems labelled verbal narratives. However, what capacities are most crucial to resolving this type of problem? Is what matters most the speed of processing or does it all begin with the interpretation of content? A new scientific study strengthens the assumption that resolving verbal mathematics problems does not only involve dominating the subject even while this factor is determinant.

Exposure to screens before sleep reduces attention on the following day
Latest Science 14.09.2021 Reading time: 4 min

Exposure to screens before sleep reduces attention on the following day

The change in the sleeping patterns of adolescents is well documented in the scientific literature. However, the implications of screen time prior to sleeping for attention levels on the following morning add new dimensions to this field of knowledge.

To understand what is written, knowing the letters is not enough
Latest Science 28.07.2020 Reading time: 4 min

To understand what is written, knowing the letters is not enough

Is it enough to know how to read a text to fully understand its meaning? Experience tells us no. Science confirms it. A very recent study shows that it is not enough to know the words, there are processes in the brain that contribute to the ability to focus and maintain information and that can have influence.

Adolescent Procrastination, an Old New Concern for Teachers
Latest Science 26.05.2020 Reading time: 5 min

Adolescent Procrastination, an Old New Concern for Teachers

Students are not born procrastinators. The behaviour of postponing tasks is a learned habit rooted in childhood. By following the five proven strategies described below, parents and teachers can help students develop resilience to procrastination.

Learning styles gain popularity at school, but what does science have to say about it?
Latest Science 28.04.2020 Reading time: 4 min

Learning styles gain popularity at school, but what does science have to say about it?

How do students learn better? Looking at diagrams, using audio recordings, or with hands-on experience? Does it depend on each student? In reality, contrary to a widespread idea, science does not confirm that it is advantageous to adapt the teaching to the students’ preferences towards learning styles. A very recent study reinforces this scepticism with new data.

What is keeping adolescents awake? Biological time and social time
Latest Science 21.01.2020 Reading time: 5 min

What is keeping adolescents awake? Biological time and social time

Most healthy adolescents experience a change in sleep behaviour, including longer periods of sleep and a tendency to delay bedtime. The implications of reduced sleep during this stage of development are a hot topic of research for cognitive neurosciences, and have already had repercussions; in October 2019, the state of California approved a pilot project to delay school start times.

Learn first, sleep afterwards
Latest Science 09.01.2020 Reading time: 5 min

Learn first, sleep afterwards

While we sleep, our brains undertake the strengthening of the connections between neurons that help in the task of memorisation, a study published in late 2019 states. Sleeping well thus does not only prepare for the following day, it also assists in better learning what we have just been studying.

Executive functions - The “stop and think” indispensable for learning
Latest Science 19.12.2019 Reading time: 5 min

Executive functions - The “stop and think” indispensable for learning

We are not born knowing how to inhibit distractors and prioritise tasks. The ability to “stop and think” is learned, and it is crucial to succeeding in school and in life.

For our brain, learning is inevitable
Latest Science 22.10.2019 Reading time: 5 min

For our brain, learning is inevitable

The human brain shapes itself to respond to everyday experiences. A spontaneous process that leads us to be always learning.

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